Kick-off meeting with principal investigators

Hong Kong·12 January 2021-BIM Square held the kick-off meeting in the Knowles Building 716, The University of Hong Kong , with principal investigators. Prof. Anthony G.O.Yeh, Prof. George G.Q. Huang, Mr TAM, King Leung, Dr P. T. Ho, Dr Louis Chu, Prof. LU, Weisheng Wilson, Dr XUE, Fan, Dr LI, Xiao, etc., attended this meeting.


The project mainly focused on building information modelling platform for construction logistics and supply chain management in Hong Kong, using multiple tectonics including blockchain, BIM and the Internet of Things (IoT). In addition, this project has received great support, such as research support from excellent scholars from different background, implementation support from the Estate Office (EO) of The University of Hong Kong, technical support from the Information Technology Services (ITS) of The University of Hong Kong, etc.


In this meeting, the project missions and the deliverables were illustrated for the project members. A more detailed project schedule was also confirmed.